The IsuzuWeb; Carlisle Custom Compact Power Jam Show
Print out this web page on your printer, complete the form, and mail it with
your check or money order made payable to "Bill Luton" to:
The IsuzuWeb
8400 Craighill Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63123
Registration and payment must be received on or before April 5, 2002.
Email questions to info@isuzuweb.org or call (314)843-4666.
Name _______________________________________________
Street Address ________________________________________
City ____________________________ State _______________
Zip Code __________________ Country ___________________
Telephone Number _(_______)_______-____________________
Year of Vehicle _________________________
Make of Vehicle ________________________
Model of Vehicle ________________________
Club Affiliation _______ The IsuzuWeb_______
T-Shirt Size ___________________________
You will be assigned to a show class when you arrive at the show.
Indicate the events you wish to participate in with a check, all fees indicated in US Dollars:
___ Show Field, Saturday May 4 through Sunday May 5, 2002. $20.00 for IsuzuWeb
members with $10.00 sponsorship from Bill's
___ Top Flight Professionally Judge Competition, $50.00.
___ Stereo Competition (Carlisle will send you info on fees and requirements).
___ Burnout Competition (Carlisle will send you info on fees and requirements).
___ Solo 1 Competition (Carlisle will send you info on fees and requirements).
___ Drifting Competition (Carlisle will send you info on fees and requirements).
___ Rally School (Carlisle will send you info on fees and requirements).