The IsuzuWeb; Carlisle Custom Compact Power Jam Show
The following information has been provided to give IsuzuWeb members
information about the 2002 Carlisle Custom Compact Power Jam and the
activities that the IsuzuWeb have planned as part of this event.
The Carlisle Custom Compact Power Jam is a national car show for compact
and import cars. The show is held in conjunction with the Carlisle Import/Replicar
Nationals, a classic and special interest show. The Custom Compact Power Jam has
grown into the second largest annual import car show in East of the Rocky Mountains,
attracting almost 3,000 participants. It has become the key event for the Isuzu
enthusiast community in North America. The IsuzuWeb will again be participating in
this show in a big way.
Where and When
The 2002 Carlisle Custom Compact Power Jam will again be held in Carlisle,
Pennsylvania on May 4-5, 2002 (Saturday and Sunday only this year). Carlisle,
Pennsylvania is located off the Interstate 76 Pennsylvania Turnpike, at the
Highway 11 interchange, just West
of Harrisburg, in South-Central Pennsylvania. For more information and directions,
check the Carlisle Productions Website.
Show Registration
Bill's Isuzuperformance is sponsoring all IsuzuWeb members for one-third off
the show field registration fee who register for the Carlisle Custom
Compact Power Jam with the IsuzuWeb. The registration fee is $20.00 and
is due by April 5, 2002. To register, print out the
form from the registration web page and mail it along with a check payable
to "Bill Luton" to:
The IsuzuWeb
8400 Craighill Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63123
Members are encourage to stay at one of the two following motels where most
of the IsuzuWeb members usually stay.
Clarion. The Clarion is a bit more expensive, but they are located closer to the
Carlisle Fun Center and are set back from Highway 11, so there is less noise from the
local traffic, which has become rather loud over the last several years. The Clarion
has become more and more popular with IsuzuWeb members over the last several years.
In recent years, I have heard complaints about other area motels calling the police
who arrive and tell anyone in or around their parking areas to leave or go inside
(I suppose this is a congregation area and people gather to watch the traffic on
Highway 11). This has never happened to me at the Clarion, where I have been known
to be out in the parking lot polishing my car at 2 AM. The Clarion's telephone number
is (717) 243-1717.
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Motel 6 #1297 which is a bit closer to the fairgrounds
and is more economical. Their telephone number is (717) 249-7622. This is one of the
least expensive motels in the area and usually fills up several months before the show.
We will put together a list of everyone attending after all of the
registrations are received at the end of March and if anyone wishes to
split accomodations with someone else by sharing a room, we will provide
a list of registrants to facilitate this.
Please note the following changes made by Carlisel Productions for 2002:
- The show is on Saturday and Sunday only, Friday the offices only are open for
participant check in, and the fair grounds will not be open.
- There will be no on site camping in 2002.
The 2002 show will feature the following activities::
- Show Field Display.
- Possibly Solo 1 Style Racing.
- Possibly A Drifting Competition.
- Bikini Contest.
- Burnout Contest.
- Live Entertainment.
- More X Games Like The Dirt Circuit.
- On Site Dyno.
- Possibly A Rally School With Ridealongs With Pro Drivers.
Preliminary Itenerary
This is the preiminary itenerary of events that have been planned for the
IsuzuWeb to participate in at the Carlisle Custom Compact Power Jam. Nothing
is manditory, but we would very much like to have everyone available for the
group photo shoot and the picnic.
Remember, the show grounds will not be open on Friday, and only the offices will be
open for participant check in.
Check into the show whenever you arrive.
We will have to find an area outside the fairgrounds to gather on Friday. Suggestions
would be the Clarion or outside the Carlisle offices.
Join group which will be growing as more and more members arrive and check in.
Take a little time to get the cars cleaned up and get the cleanup over
with so that we can spend Saturday and Sunday socializing with other
Isuzu and Import owners and not cleaning and polishing cars.
Eat at Hoss' Steak House.
Practice round of Go-Cart racing at the Carlisle Funcenter.
Arrive at the showfield early, 8AM if at all possible. Take possession of the
IsuzuWeb club tent and set up tables for both display of the IsuzuWeb literature,
portfolio, etc. as well as for IsuzuWeb members to relax around.
You can enjoy the show and your fellow enthusiasts more if you get there early.
Park, setup, meet your fellow IsuzuWeb members, check out each others
cars and the rest of the show field.
Check out the vendors and work on the manufacturers who are displaying
at the show for parts for Isuzus and Storms.
Pot-Luck Picnic at the IsuzuWeb tent. We would ask that members bring
something with them in the way of food (hotdogs, hamburgers, buns, slaw,
chili, chips, potato salad, soda, beer, etc.) for a group picnic.
Photo shoot. Group photo with all members' cars. I will be talking
with Sport Compact Car and Super Street Magazines to make sure that
they have their photographers there to take their own pictures.
Dinner again as a group, usually at Hoss'.
Forth Annual IsuzuWeb Go-Cart Challenge. We will find out which of our
members is the quickest at the go cart track.
Relax and socialize with fellow IsuzuWeb members.
Possibly some more bar hopping.
Again, please arrive early so that you can maximize your time to
socialize with your fellow Isuzu enthusiasts.
The Stereo competition will be held on Sunday morning in the far end
Another small picnic.
IsuzuWeb members awards and raffle giveaway. We will give some fun
awards for memorable member's actions, the go cart champion, and
anything else that is worthy of note and applause. I plan to have some
accessory type items and gift certificates that we will raffle to the
members in a drawing.
The Carlisle staff will have their awards for the Custom Compact show.
It would be very nice to have our membership stick around long enough to
attend this if at all possible. It is a very good opportunity to sit in
a large group in the show stands and reminisce about the previous day's
Bid your fellow IsuzuWeb members ado and head for home with a pocket
full of new and happy Isuzu memories.
What To Bring
Being prepared for Carlisle is very important to making sure you have
a good time. This event has a very good reputation of being a chilly and
wet weekend, as is normal in Central Pennsylvania in the Spring. In addition,
we all know that any time you get more than two Isuzu cars together in one
place at one time, it has to rain, so preparation is only prudent.
Weather forcasts for the Carlisle and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania area can be found
Intellicast and NOAA Weather Page.
What to bring
- A poncho and an umbrella. If we are all prepared for rain, according
to Murphy's Law, it won't rain.
- A jacket, a coat, and some pants or jeans. If we are all prepared for
chilly and cold weather, it will be at least warmer.
- Sun screen. As odd as this sounds following the previous two, don't
leave home without your sun screen, because if we are not soaked, we will
likely be roasted.
- A camera. You won't want to miss the chance to get your own pictures
of all these Isuzus in one place.
- A video camera. If you have one, you might want to bring it.
- Lawn chairs. If you want to sit on something other than your car you
will need to bring one of these.
- Something for the Pot-Luck Picnic: hotdogs, hamburgers, buns, slaw,
chili, chips, potato salad, soda, beer, catsup, mustard, pickles, etc.
Also, a few dollars for the members who bring hotdogs and hamburgers or
anything that is meat to offset their added expense.
Please bring something for the Pot-Luck Picnic. This is a central
activity for the IsuzuWeb at this event and for it to work well, everyone
should pitch in a little and help by bringing something. It will be
extremely enjoyable for everyone involved.
IsuzuWeb and Isuzuperformance Advertising
The IsuzuWeb and our sponsor, Bill's Isuzuperformance, have organized
a great deal of advertising and public relations to coincide with our
participation at the Carlisle Custom Compact Power Jam.
The following is a scanned copy of the full page advertisement which
appeared in 2001 in the Carlisle Show Directory for the Custom Compact Power Jam.
Every participant in the show will receive a show directory upon entering
the show grounds and there is no more effective way to get the word out
about Isuzu cars than to make sure every single show participant has
something about us in their posession.

Members Attending
As preregistrations come in, we will compile a list of IsuzuWeb members who will be
attending this event with the IsuzuWeb. The following are paid entries that have been
A Few Words In Closing
The IsuzuWeb has gone to great lengths to arrange and prepare for this
year's Carlisle show and we hope that you will join us and enjoy with us,
everything that Carlisle and the IsuzuWeb has to offer.